Friday, May 7, 2010

The Return: Children of the Ghetto/Money Cash/Rap Beef

Hey folks

After a rough and hectic few months, I hope to return to posting regular blogs here.

First up: 3 new videos.

"Children of the Ghetto" by Capeech was just released online and it also made it on MuchMusic! The video is tracking very well in the US and is being played in every avenue possible.

"Money, Cash" by King Roti feat. Daku and Sinister was just released online and is now soon to be released on on MuchMusic as well. This video is also tracking well and the response has been positive.

"Rap Beef" by KemiKal was released back in February.

There are more great things to come; more music videos, more projects. So please, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Daniel Patricio said...

I haven't seen your stuff in a while but man! Looks like you have been improving in leaps and bounds champ.

Keep getting it done!