Friday, May 7, 2010

The Law of Attraction: Its Real and it Works

Hey folks

In the past, I have always kept my blogs on topic and on videos. I want to change things up a bit and start talking about other issues and other ideas that envelope my life on a daily basis.

The first thing I want to talk about is the Law of Attraction. I am sure some of you, if not most, have already heard of the Law of Attraction.

To put it bluntly, the Law of Attraction guarantees you the life that you desire. Not just the life you need, but the life you WANT. It is meant to give you anything you value in your mind and give it with utmost abundance. Money, Health and Happiness: the whole shabang.

I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. Ever since I saw "The Secret", I have been hooked on it and it truly does work.

The basic tenets of the Law of Attraction lies within your mind. Whatever you think of will eventually manifest itself in your life, whether they be good things or bad ones. By using your feelings, your imagination and true persistence, anything can and will happen. And the things that you want or desire don't even have to be little things. It can be as big as anything you can ever imagine and the opposite works as well.

Being a dreamer is different that practicing the Law of Attraction. Dreamers dream, nothing else. With the Law of Attraction, you need to feel it in you the power and desire to do and be whatever you want. No doubts, no hesitating - just pure and simple actions and desires. Period.

Life is only complicated because a person makes it so. It doesn't have to be that way and it isn't. Taking the first step is the most important because after that initial leap of faith, there is nothing but possibility in front of you.

So grab on tight and take the leap. Don't be afraid and don't let others control your life. Its yours to command and its the job of the universe to help you in any way possible. That is law. That is the Law of Attraction.

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